The above table is the bookshelf which is divided into several parts.
The first tab is currently reading, you can choose your current read and review them. If you want to create notes related to the book, open the pages and write all your takeaways from the book (especially helpful if you are reading nonfiction).
Tab 2 is to read. All the books that you want to read are under this tab
Tab 3 is the read tab, once you are done with a book mark the progress and it will automatically be shifted into the read tab.
Tab 4 is the bookshelf tab. This is the list of all the books that you currently have. There is a DNF option too so if you are done with a book and don't want to read again mark it DNF
A highlights table is common for both movies/shows and books. There are often you will love a quote or a scene from a book/show that you want to keep hold of it is the space. All you have to do is write it down in the page and name the book/show it is from.